
The Weight Loss Illusion by David Wilson

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Paperback (148mm x 210mm – A5) – ISBN:  978-0-956362-36-0

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Only people who want to change their lives should read this book!

If you are one of the many millions of people out there who are sick, tired, and fed up with being overweight, and you’re confused about why you can’t lose the weight and get yourself in shape, this book is for you.

This book contains a fantastic short story of four people who won their weight loss battles after years of trying by finding out the real hidden truth on how successful weight loss actually works. This story could change your life.

This book is a collection of stories aimed to educate the reader about weight loss. The stories are intended to convey the message that, from time to time, everyone has negative feelings and emotions about themselves, their bodies, and their lives. It also shows how people can turn their lives around and be the person that they have always longed to be.

It identifies the real truth about weight loss, diet, training and positive thinking in a reader friendly way.

The author wanted to write this book in a way that was easy for anyone to understand with no complicated technical jargon. Through market research he discovered that people did not want a lesson in anatomy and physiology or to read a long novel or textbook, which would take them weeks to finish.

What people wanted was a short and to the point book explanation in simple terms of the truth about effective long term weight loss. He hopes the reader will learn from the characters in the book, and empathise with their emotions and circumstances. They will then be able to understand the truth about weight loss and recognise the fact that everyone can also transform their lives.

Additional information

Weight 0.115 kg
Dimensions 22 × 15 × 1 cm

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