If you thought there was no more you could do with a cook book except change a few ingredients then this is the book for you. This book, is the first of its kind!
The author has produced a compilation of tantalising recipes tailored to boost sex drive, heighten desire and tickle your taste buds.
Researched and written over a five-year period, ‘Dirty Dishes’ conjures up easy recipes that will impact your health & sexual life in a rainbow array of ways.
Not only do these tantalising dishes aid blood flow to male and female nether regions. It also helps ward off diabetes, promote healthy heart function and help to lower cholesterol levels.
Ingredients used also help boost fertility and sperm motility: Great News if you’re trying to get pregnant!
Lastly, they can boost serotonin levels, having a positive effect on your mood and energy.
Forget the Viagra! These dishes will bring pleasure to the palate, a tingle on the tongue plus a whole new flavour in the bedroom.
Having couples come together in the way nature intended; happy, healthy and most importantly, satisfied – simple!
Paul James –
I was delighted when my close friend and talented Author Fiona asked me to write a foreword for her book ‘Dirty Dishes’ recipes to ignite passion.
Fiona is the most caring and genuine person I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing, Conversations with her would brighten anyone’s day, no matter how you felt.
Fiona’s witty and risqué sense of humour bursts through every sentence, every recipe, on every page.
I really do wish her all the best for her book and her future career.
She certainly deserves it.
Trev Ridgewell –
The book is awesome to read and enjoy with someone you care about.