Welcome to the final showdown in this epic trilogy. The dystopian drama follows a group of superpowered teenagers on their journey through different realms, still trying to restore the balance of time.
Lexie and her magical sisters form the Rainbow girls. They battle against an evil villain who is trying to destroy humanity. With their special abilities, which are linked to the seven magical colours of the rainbow, they battle to restore peace and save the human race.
Come with them on their adventures which takes them through the different time zones of the past, present and future of our civilisation. Help them unravel mysteries and put together the missing pieces of the puzzle that will determine their success. Assist them with overcoming a new resistance, who has teamed up with their enemy and proving a formidable foe. Will we ever have peace on Earth?
A dystopian drama written for teenagers (with adults and younger children in mind). This is a book full of stories and adventures set in a multicultural society. It’s a magical and fantasy driven world.
This is the third book in an epic trilogy. A fun but gripping story full of humour.
A must read!
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